A Publishing and Media solutions company specializing in the Christian faith market.

Brentwood Press LLC is led by seasoned publishing and entertainment media executive Dan Lynch and specializes in faith-based publishing and media. From printing to brand management and app and media creation, we’re happy to have a conversation about your project.

Four color and Specialized Publishing and Importing
Author Representation
Children’s Books and Media
App Development
Brand Management & Marketing
Author Representation

Amy Parker

Doug Powell

Mike Nawrocki

Sarah Humphery

Andrew Peterson's
Wingfeather Saga
Mary Manz Simon
Clients & Projects

The Bible For Me

The Dead Sea Squirrels

The Seven

Every Moment Holy

Doug Powell


The Rabbit Room

Bible Force

Journeys with the Messiah
Dan Lynch is a seasoned publishing and entertainment media executive with a 30+ year proven track record of successes in the fields of product development, team building, marketing, social networking, and on-budget project management. Dan has served for over 20 years in kids and teen publishing on the Tommy Nelson (VP Marketing/Branding and Executive Producer) and B&H Kids (Publisher, Executive Producer) teams.
Dan also worked as a VP of Marketing in the Christian music industry with labels including Benson and Word Records. Some of the brands Dan has managed and built include Max Lucado’s Hermie and Friends, Sheila Walsh’s Gigi God’s Little Princess, Bibleman, Read and Share Bible Stories, Big Picture Interactive Bible, Teen to Teen and Bible for Me: Bible Stories and Prayers.